Aksel is a law student in Göteborg but he works in Marstrand during the summer tourist season.
Young Arvid stops to smile while scooting about Marstrand on his razor scooter.
Emrik is removing candle wax at the enterance to Restaurang Högvakten, one of the many historic eateries in Marstrand.
Lady in Red, London
Naked Lunch, Copenhagen. Christiania, Copenhagen’s commune like enclave founded by hippies, performance artists and misc. social misfits has been under attack for several years by conservative politicians. These are young residents of that community staging a provocative protest against the latest points of conflict between themselves, law makers and law enforcement. Police quietly stood by to make sure there were no problems between the friendly protesters and the gawking on lookers. Attitudes about such public nudity are vastly different in Scandinavia and Europe than in the U.S.
A young resident of Christiania
This lad’s special talent in walking around naked, but on his hands. Do I dare post a picture of that?
This is Copenhagen’s Black Diamond, a modern building on the waterfront housing The Danish Royal Library. Mondays are rough for young construction workers needing to make up for lost sleep during the weekend.
Love in Copenhagen
Love in Amsterdam. Twilight at 11:00 P.M.
Nice shots.