Thursday January 12, 1939 “To matinee at the Criterion. Saw Topper Takes A Trip and an old picture (1932) with Clark Gable and Carol Lombard-No Man of Her Own. Rotten! Letter from Sammie. Sam has a slight cold.

Topper Takes A Trip trailer. It was a sequel of Topper (1937). Same cast minus Cary Grant. Involves a ghost trying to reunite a couple who she had a hand in splitting up in the prior film. It was followed by another sequel, Topper Returns in 1941. The font selection in the trailer is quite stylish and most attractive.

I only found two clips from this film. Neither one has original sound track. This might be one of those lost forever movies. No Man Of Her Own clip.
This is Lombard and Gables only role together playing a married couple, several years before their own legendary marriage in real life.
Gambler Babe Steward (Clark Gable) is in trouble with the law and decides to lie low in a small town. There he meets librarian Connie Randall (Carole Lombard) and attempts to seduce her. They flip a coin to decide whether or not to get married. The coin forces them to get married and Connie soon falls in love with Babe. Babe, meanwhile, continues his conning while telling Connie that he is working on Wall Street. Connie does not suspect anything until she finds Babe’s marked cards in his desk. She shuffles the cards and when Babe plays a game of poker, he loses. Babe wants nothing more to do with Connie and leaves for Rio de Janeiro to win big money at cards. But, realizing that he loves Connie, he gives himself in to the police to serve his jail sentence. When Babe returns to a pregnant Connie, he does not suspect that she knows of his deception, but she does not say a word about it and in true Hollywood fashion, we are left to assume that the couple lives happily ever after. Helen says “Rotten!”
Friday January 13, 1939. “Lovely day. Went to cooking school this morning. Shopt and then home. Read. Jeanne to farewell party tonight for Barbara Birdro. Sam’s cold better. Bought me candy. Masoa over. Sara called.”
Saturday January 14, 1939 “To Santa Monica, paid bills. 10:30 Perm at Elsie J’s. Out at night with Sara, Jon + Fred K. Spaghetti feed. And wine!!

Any mention Helen made to me of spaghetti feed was associated with Little Joe’s.
Tuesday January 17, 1939 “Telegram from San Francisco this morning. We must go a week sooner. So we leave Saturday. Went to Art’s for lunch. Called Gladys M., Irene M, DeFinos–Sara out most of the day.