Busy Weekend – No Less on Monday

Empire Hotel

Saturday February 11, 1939. “Jeanne + I to Tony’s business. Bought a skirt for me + a suit for Jeanne–wholesale. Then to other stores. Bought hat and purse. Marion + friend over for short time. Nite with Phil + Tony to Polk Street. Dinner at German American Restaurant. To the Sky Room at Empire Hotel.”

Empire Hotel Picture+Blurb

“Then to Izzy Gomez’ and the Beach.”


Izzy Gomez and salt shaker, “M’ Fren'” Image Source CLAY BANES.

“Home about 11:15.”

Sunday February 12, 1939 “Jeanne, Sam + I took Bijou for nice walk in Golden Gate Park. Started to rain on the way home. Sam + I walked to the branch library + Clement Street. Shopt. Took bus home. Took streetcar to the big library.”

Ferry Building

“Walked to the Ferry Building and took streetcar line number 21 home.. Marion here. Jeanne to movie alone.” 21-car as Smart Object-1

Monday February 13, 1939 “Jeanne + I to town early-paid phone bill. First scraping of fenders.”

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“Lunch in Chinatown.”

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“Rode the cable car.”

Jeanne Helen Hussey4


“Nite-Sam all decked out Western Style.”

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“Took me to see Cecilia Loftus at the Curran.”

Friends, Movies, and Tea at Fosters

Clement Street Today_DSC2651

Clement Street 3/15/2014

Monday February 6, 1939. “Quiet day. Home + read except for shopping on Clement Street + picking Jeanne up + to Clement Street again. Nite: with Sam to the branch library.”

Fosters1939 Tranist Terminal

Tuesday February 7. 1939 “To the park early with Bijou-nice walk. Cousin Gen came at 1pm + we had a long visit. Picked up Jeanne + had tea at Fosters. Then Gen stayed for supper + we took her to the bus station about 8 pm. Showers today.”

Wednesday February 8, 1939. “Marion Flack called in the a.m. + came out. Having trouble at home. Took her to lunch + show “Idiot’s Delight.” Good. Home for dinner. Marian and Jeanne to a show. Cold day-saw snow on the mountains across the bay.”

Paramount Theatre SF 1939Honolulu_(1939)mysterious mr

Thursday February 9, 1939 “To three agencies with Marion + to Paramount Theatre. Saw Honolulu + Mr. Moto. Left Marion downtown. Bought Chicken. Chocolate roll. Finished Jeanne’s plaid dress. Cold day + rain. Sam growing a beard.”

Friday February 10, 1939. “Took Bijou for a nice walk in park A.M. Picked Jeanne up after school + tea at Fosters. Nite Tony over-Scotty called up about Marion. Some rain in the A.M. but starts out tonight. Second day of Sam’s beard.

Dined at Vanessi’s. Stopped at Sutro Park.

Diary of Helen Hussy February 5, 1939 – Sunday.

Vanessi'sVanessi's Post Card

Sunday Febrary 5, 1939. “Went to the museum in the A.M. Went to Marc’s office, met Kathleen. All to eat at Vanessi’s.”

Venessi's Crew



“Nice ride home. Stopped at Sutro Park.”

Sutro Heights Palm Avenue Post Card

Sutro Heights Park was the estate of Adolph Sutro, land developer and a mayor of San Francisco. The estate once contained many Romanistic statues and a plant conservatory.

Sutro Heights Main Gate

In 1881, Adolf Sutro purchased 22 acres of undeveloped land at the edge of the city, which included a promontory overlooking the Cliff House and Seal Rocks with breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean, Mount Tamalpais, and the Golden Gate. Taking advantage of the views, Sutro turned this property into Sutro Heights, an elaborate public garden that was filled with decorated flower beds, statues, forests and vista points. Photo Source Dennis O’Rorke Collection

Sutro Park Architecture

Sutro built his home on a rocky ledge overlooking the Cliff House and Seal Rocks just south of Point Lobos and north of Ocean Beach. The grounds consisted of a spacious turreted mansion, a carriage house and out buildings set in expansive gardens. The estate dominated the area. He spent in excess of a million dollars trying to recreate an Italian garden. By 1883, Sutro opened his gardens to the public and allowed strolling the grounds for the donation of a dime. That small fee helped to pay the fifteen gardeners he employed to maintain the grounds.
Sutro Park Overlook
Adolph Sutro died in 1898, land rich but cash poor following his frustrating tenure as Mayor of San Francisco. His daughter Emma lived on the estate at Sutro Heights until her death in 1938. The house is visible on the 1938 layer of Google Earth, located at 122°30’42.98″W 37°46’39.71″N. Becoming too expensive to maintain, the family donated the estate to the City of San Francisco that same year. The city demolished the buildings and removed the statuary with the exception of the winged lions at the gate and a few select pieces. The estate became Sutro Heights Park.
An excellent blog article showing Sutro Heights today: http://landscapevoice.com/sutro-heights-park/

Stow Lake Postcard

“Also walked to Stow Lake. Later stopped at Tony’s. To delicatessen, supper + read at night. Some rain.”

An excellent blog article showing Sutro Heights today: http://landscapevoice.com/sutro-heights-park/

M’ Fren’

Postcard_4 as Smart Object-1

Monday January 30, 1939. “Showers today. Drove to the beach. Took Bijou walking then drove through the Presidio. Stopped at Gertrude Meyers. She didn’t remember me at first. Bought walking shoes. Met Jeanne at school. Went to Foster’s for tea. Letter from Irene, card from Carola. Wrote to Kings and Irene.”

Tuesday January 31, 1939. “Phil over early. Walked to Stow Lake. The the museum in the afternoon. To corner stores. Nite: read. Showers and hail storm.
1917_SanFranciscoPublicLibrary as Smart Object-1

The 1917 Downtown Library. Library moved to a new building in 1996. The old main library, which was damaged in the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, was rebuilt as the new Asian Art Museum.

Wednesday February 1, 1939. “Bold, bright day. Went downtown to the library. Walked Bijou in the park. Saw two “skips.” Went to the African Museum + Natural History Museum. Saw exhibit of semi precious stones. Phil over for a few minutes in the evening. Read + Radio.”  The word “skips” refers to someone skipping class. Based on Jeanne’s record as a bit rebellious as a school student, one of those “skips” Helen saw might have been Jeanne.

Thursday February 2, 1939 “Rainy day. Out to shop. Branch library + picked up Jeanne from school. Marc M. called up. Letter from Scotty. Tony over in evening. ”
Izzy Gomez

Image Source CLAY BANES

Izzy Gomez place was at 848 Pacific Street. From James R. Smith: “Izzy’s Cafe was a gathering place for aspiring artists. Famed writer William Saroyan, himself a regular at Izzy’s, immortalized the place, its characters and their situations in his play, The Time of Your Life. Gomez prided himself on the fact that no one left his place hungry. Izzy’s big heart and expansive nature earned him friends at every layer of San Francisco society. He gave away meals to writers, friends and those down and out that caught his eye. The 300-pound tavern keeper, wearing his ever-present black fedora, served great food – thick steaks, crisp fried chicken, huge platters of French-fried potatoes and big salads, all presented with good homemade grappa at two bits a glass, available even during Prohibition.” Izzy’s Cafe was demolished in 1952.

Friday February 3, 1939. “Took Jeanne to school + drove to the beach. The sea was marvelous. Gen called. Talked with Walter. Several letters today. Nite: with Sam to see Marc M. + two of his friends. Went to Izzy Gomez place. Drank and danced – lots of fun.

New Routines And More To Explore

Raleigh Coupon

Saturday January 28, 1939. “Nice day. Shopt with + for Jeanne in A.M. Sam home about 1:30. Tony here with friend + Phil. Then Phil, Sam, Jeanne + I took Raleigh coupons + got Jeanne pens + pencil. I got pair of silk hose.”


“Then off to the aquarium. Home + delicatessen meal.”


At nite: With Phil, Sam, and I downtown , walked around + through Chinatown.

Stow Lake

Sunday January 29, 1939. “Sam and I to Stow Lake, then got Jeanne + went to the museum. Rain!!”
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Richmond District branch library

Tony over. Sam + I with her to library. Got cards and books. Then to her sister’s + her mother’s house. To the store, then home. Quiet evening in + reading.


BAyview 7951

Point Montara Lighthouse

Wednesday January 25, 1939 “Took a ride down the coast with Phil. Got back + took a walk through the park to Poly High to meet Jeanne after school.”
Clement-25-Nov-1940 as Smart Object-1
“Then to shop at Clement Street.”
Joe Louis Knocking Out John Henry Lewis
“Nite: Sam, Jeanne, and I went to Tony’s to listen to fights. Joe Louis knocked John H. Lewis out in two minutes and some seconds of 1st round. Grand weather today.”

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Thursday January 26, 1939. “Washed a few things. Signed for a phone. Phil over in the afternoon. Walked in the park. Nite: Sam and I took street car to the beach. Very heavy fog.”


Friday January 27, 1939 “Rain! Took Bijou out early in the rain. Picked up Jeanne after school, shopped + then for a long walk in the park during a dry spell. Bedding arrived today + phone got connected. BAyview 7951. Sam home late – 8:30.”


It Was A Grand Day

Tuesday January 24, 1939. “Jeanne started at Polytechnic High School. We unpacked the trunks which arrived today.”


Polytechnic High School 701 Fredrick Street was open for almost 90 years until the 1970s. Over that time the school had a reputation for a diverse and talented student body, inspirational teachers and administrators, and exceptional football teams. Photo source: San Francisco Public Library Historic Photo Collection

polytechnic_high_school_auditorium as Smart Object-1 polytechnic_www.noehill.com

In 1987 the school property was re-zoned for condominiums and most of the campus buildings were demolished. Fortunately the magnificent Art Deco Gymnasiums were kept. Photo Source www.noehill.com

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Clement Street Photo Source http://www.outsidelands.org
“Jeanne and I went Clement Street for shopping. Nice store-fun!”
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Clement Street Photo Source http://www.outsidelands.org

“Nite: Tony over for a few minutes. Then Sam, Jeanne and I went to Clement Street. It was a grand day.”

Unpacking. Settling In.


Downtown San Francisco 1939. Move your scroll bar all the way to the right to view this huge photo in its entirety. There’s lots to see! Photo Source: kellistanley.com

Monday January 23, 1939. “Went downtown with Sam + Phil. Waited a long time for Sam.”


Photobooth Photo, Sam Hussey, San Francisco. 1939


“Ate in Chinatown for Lunch. Home-unpacked, shopt, etc. etc. etc. Rented a Garage.


“Nite: Dinner at El Portal. Bed early.”

Found An Apartment In Twenty Minutes

Jeanne Helen Hussey2

Jeanne at John Adams Junior High, what is now called “Middle School,” 1938.

Jeanne Helen Hussey3

Caption reads “Helen in front of the bank. Lookin for somepin?” 1938

Jeanne Helen Hussey4

Caption reads “Sam (Hussey). His very first picture in San Francisco.” 1939

3400 Fulton Street

Sunday January 22, 1939. “Arrived at Tony’s at 8:30. After breakfast found an apartment in about twenty minutes. 3400 Fulton, Apartment 1.”


Not a bad find in twenty minutes. Directly across from Golden Gate park with major museums footsteps away.

Fishermans Wharf

“Then drove. Fisherman’s Wharf–


“Along Ocean Drive…

For further reading see Fleishaker Pool – A Strange Journey Through S.F. History
“Fleischaker Pool, The Zoo, Golden Gate Park…

“The Presidio…


San Francisco 1939 Photosource Brett Weston Archive

“Coit Tower…

Golden_Gate_Bridge_1937_LOC as Smart Object-1

“Saw the bridges, etc, etc, etc…Dinner at Tony’s. Home about 8:15. Tired.”

The Move Is On

2201 14th Street
From the 1936 Voter Registration and Google, showing where the Husseys lived until April 1938. Here the home as it appears today. Thank you Sarai Johnson for the history look-up of where the Husseys resided. Johnson & Johnson Architecture


In March 1938, Helen wrote they had a strong desire for a new house. House hunting was mentioned several times. On April 7, 1938 they put $1,000 down on a house. By April 30, 1938 they completed their move to 2236 Cloverfield Blvd. in Santa Monica. Perhaps one reason they never chose to own real estate again–they lived here only 9 months. And they’d be on the move again several more times in years to come.

Jeanne 1938 Cloverfield Blvd
Jeanne Martin 1938, caption reads “In our backyard at S.M. Cloverfield Blvd.”

Wednesday January 18, 1939. “Exciting day. Said goodbye to Irene. Stopped at the Cooks. Saw Ruth Muller on the way home + she came along. She and her friend Will want to buy the place! Nite: Ruth and Will over–they want the house. Sherry and good time.”

Thursday January 19, 1939. “Ruth and I to attorney Hickson, then to the agent. Settled. Willl joined us for lunch then to L.A. to get Sam. Nite Sara, Jon, Hugh over. Ruth moves in Saturday.”

Friday January 20, 1939.” Busy day + no extra money until nite + not much. Packed. Irene Moore, Mortons over. Ruth and Willl here. To bed about midnight.”

101 Ranch House Cocktail Lounge Restaurant Pacific Highway Oxnard

Saturday January 21, 1939 “Left Santa Monica about 5:30 A.M. in awful downpour. Stopped at Oxnard for breakfast. ” 101 Ranch House Cocktail Lounge Restaurant on Pacific Highway in Oxnard.


“Buellton for bite.” Eating options in/around Buelllton. Notice the two streetcars as bookends of the building.


“Pismo Beach lunch.”


Salinas for a bite.


“Arrived south of San Francisco at an auto court at 6:30. Called Tony – no answer. To bed about 8 P.M.” Illustrative only–San Mateo is South of San Francisco, but so are a lot of other places and possible auto courts where they may have stayed.