More Adventure With Party!!
An ongoing series illustrating the diary of my grandmother Helen Hussey. Current entries: The San Francisco Sojourn 1939-1940.
Saturday June 24, 1939. “Sam, Jeanne and I to the Fair. Sam and I went to the Palace of Fine and Decorative Arts.”
“After met Jeanne and Tony in Brazil.”
Image Source San Francisco Public Library. “Lona Norman and Chuch Price exhibit the latest in jitterbug technique at the opening of Treasure Island’s newest $1,000 cash prize jitterbug contest. Lona and Chuck took one of the nightly prizes at the Happy Valley Ranch, where nightly competitions will be held for the next six weeks. (GOLDEN GATE INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION PHOTO)”
“Happy Valley! Sam went home but Jeanne and I stayed for more adventure with party!”
Sam Hussey walking away from Happy Valley Ranch (sign above his right shoulder).
Image Source: University of North Texas Libraries
Sunday June 25, 1939 “Sam and I took a nice ride in the morning to Fort Winfield Scott and the 49 Mile Drive. Lazed and read rest of the day.”
Monday June 26, 1939. “Downtown with Tony – Window shopped and bought bath powder. Walked in the park in the afternoon. Nite: bought two lamps.”
Tuesday June 27, 1939 “Went to the Fair with Tony. Indian exhibit was marvelous!”
“Visted Hawaii…”
“Columbia and the Island Club…”
“At nite went to Musichanique. Home about 9:30.”
Wednesday June 28, 1939. “Jeanne and I to take magazine to Sam at K.C. Shopped at Crystal Market. Home. Then to the library and Clement Street.
Thursday June 29, 1939 “Jeanne and I to the Fair. Saw the Clipper take off. To the Swiss Village, etc. Home about 9:30.”
Friday June 30, 1939 “Cleaned the flat. Jeanne and I rode to Fort Winfield Scott and Coit Tower. Nite: Pacific Gas and Electric man over. Sherry. Marc and Bess over for a while. Rene here and sang.”